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Idea for a character


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How about a Plague Doctor/Dark Healer/Alchemist (heritage/lineage?) with:

  • Affliction extraction & diffusion powers
  • An unknown number of afflictions/poisons that you can discover, absorb, and learn to control (to hurt or heal yourself or others)
  • Levels would allow for more range, duration, severity, and contagiousness vs. "affiliation resistance"
  • Equipment to help with this could include:
    • Blades with a hole to store afflictions/poisons (think green glowing mercury thermometer on the side of the blade)
    • Explosives that release a gas or throwable powders
    • Potions and poisons can be applied to weapons or spiked/offensive armor
Edited by Humz
New character title (heritages/lineage)
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We don't have 'characters' we have pacts as our warframe equivalent. What are pacts? pacts are arm coverings that cover your arm, currently ranging from no covering (Fey pact), metal bindings (Ode pact) and leather wrappings (Rood pact), there's also art for the wolf pact, and the bear pact. The only thing that changes on the character with each pact is their arm depending on what they're channeling the mana through to cast.

The one thing though, is we already have a consumable menu, which can be filled with all sorts of potions from our resident potion and dye master in our 'home base' of the nightfold, so the random potions don't really fit, and being able to hurt your allies with an ability (technically radiation in warframe can cause this, but that's an external force, not built into the ability) is probably not a good idea.

Also, the level system for pacts isn't as linear, instead of hitting a level and getting so and so bonus, you get a point you can spend on your pact, to a max of 30 points, you can invest them into either of the 2 passives, (which only activate if they have one point in them), putting points into your mana bars (to a max of 10 points each) or put it into unlocking/upgrading each ability, which there's 3 of.

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I think a plague doctor outfit would be very cool! I love Eileen the crows outfit in bloodborne and am glad they added more bird stuff in the elden ring dlc.

As far as pacts go, maybe one that gives an ability around consumables, so self healing potions heal in an AOE or grenade like consumables have a lingering effect. I can see this working perfectly with the alchemy/healer theme

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