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SOULFRAME – Guidelines

Welcome, Envoys, to the official Soulframe Forums! 

To ensure the enjoyment and safety of the Soulframe community, we ask that everyone does their best to follow the following guidelines. We look forward to making the Soulframe community an entertaining and engaging place to be, and we thank you in advance for making the community a safe space for all Envoys!

Due to the volume of posts we receive, our moderators have the right (at their discretion) to remove, edit, lock posts/threads, and issue warnings for violations of our Guidelines. The Guidelines extend to in-game activity and any other official Soulframe platform (including the official Soulframe and Soulframe Preludes Discord servers).

1) RESPECT - Discrimination, harassment, or bigotry of any kind is unwelcome. Respecting people means not insulting anyone’s race, religion, sexual orientation, skill-level, platform preference, or any other possible way to make someone feel uncomfortable in the Soulframe community.

ZERO-TOLERANCE POLICY ON HATE SPEECH - Racism, bigotry, and other forms of hate speech are completely unacceptable ways to conduct yourself in any space, and certainly not on the Soulframe Forums. If you are found posting slurs, hate-speak, or any form of hate speech, (including self-censored, masked, or rearranged versions of these terms,) your account will not only be removed from the forums, but your access to the game will also be revoked.

For our policy on what determines hate-speech, please follow this link to our support page: https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043974052-Code-Of-Conduct-Respect-for-all-in-Warframe 

2) QUALITY STANDARDS – Use our forums to talk to us and talk to each other in a constructive and respectful way that encourages interaction and thoughtful discussion. Stay on-topic, be constructive and use descriptive Topic titles. Don’t rage/rant post, name and shame, have misleading topic titles, post spam, advertisements, unreleased Design Council information, pornography or any other inappropriate, offensive or irrelevant content to the Forums in text, image, or video form. We will delete/edit it, and there will be consequences as per our warnings.

3) LEAKED/DATA-MINED CONTENT- Please do not promote or share leaks or data-mined information in the forums. If you are concerned about leaks please PM the DE staff. We want to assure all Envoy are able to share in the excitement of new content when it is released to public. Addressing speculation and rumors takes attention away from the crucial content, changes, and fixes that are prioritized to further improve the game. 

4) PROFANITY – Keep language respectful and free from profanity. Please note, however, any variation of "Sun's arse!" is indeed acceptable.

5) PRIVACY – Do not publicly post any form of real life information of yourself or another user on the forums. Real life information includes, name, phone number, address, email address, private/email message content, personal pictures, IP address and anything else that may identify you or a user to the community in some way.

6) COMPLAINTS – We will not tolerate inappropriate, aggressive, or hostile complaints posted on the Forums. If you have a complaint about a player, report the issue. If you have a complaint about how your behavior on the forums has been moderated, send the Moderator a private message. They will do what they can to sort out any issues. 

Failure to adhere to these guidelines can result in a warning being issued and account restrictions, if necessary.

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