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  3. It means each week a limited batch of prelude invite e-mails will be send out to people who registered. I registered in July 2022 to participate in the preludes and received my invite in July of this year. I don't think you will have to wait that long though, if I recall correctly there will be broader access around the end of Q3 or somewhere in Q4.
  4. Yesterday
  5. Does weekly game invitations mean that everyone who registered this week will receive one? I really want to participate in the test of this game, or is there a limit on the number of places?,I am a machine translator, I don't understand English
  6. I want to know, I have registered an email, according to the official website, there is an invitation once a week, the invited can play the game
  7. 武器制造者在我的阵营里,但我无法与它互动,武器制造者也不可见
  8. Guessing this should be in the preludes section, not public. Since it's OOB WIP. Or maybe they don't care about the missing barrier at this point. ./shrug
  9. I’m really ready to play this game, I’m very excited
  10. Last week
  11. I am reading these hotfixes, knowing I'm not even the preludes, but good stuff!
  12. Added descriptions to Elixirs. Selecting a map location will now move the map to focus on that location area. Fixed incorrect “equip” UI callout during the Brewer of Hues Fable. Fixed a case of not dodging immediately after parrying an attack. Fixed “View Location” and “View Codex” buttons not working when interacting with Orlick or Orlick’s map in the Nightfold. Fixed crashes caused by Sparrow’s Tales. Fixed a script error that could occur when interacting with Tuvalkane. Fixed a script error caused by the sparrow guide.
  13. The motes not only are adorable, but also tend to be interested in Orlick’s papers in the Nightfold.
  14. It's so nice to have a forum, I can't wait to get an invite and share all this excitement! The Fall is near😉 Big thank you to the developers, not only for making this game, but also for being very transparent <3
  15. I was doing a little bit of OOB exploring. There's a rock in the sky north of the Island. It was pretty far off the coast, but as I was getting closer it bellowed "The gun is good!" at me. I'm a little worried guys. I ran before it could get too close.
  16. Glad to see the sparrow fix. Thought it was just me causing issues.
  17. Huh, literally got that bug earlier, glad that it's fixed mere hours after I had to restart the game for it ^^
  18. Improved sparrow’s pathing, pacing of HUD, and overall Spectral Sight tutorial during the “Rise, Envoy” introduction tutorial. Fixed some work-in-progress puzzles unintentionally being visible in-game that are not yet ready. Fixed an instance where Envoys could get stuck in the Verminia customization screen if talking to her again after watching the Bromius cinematic. Fixed clients being able to access Nightfold during the third Nimrod fight of the Brewer of Hues Fable. Fixed players being able to access Verminia’s cave before finishing the second Nimrod fight and getting stuck during the Brewer of Hues Fable. Fixed an instance where the sparrow would malfunction near the Glades during the Brewer of Hues Fable. Minor audio and level fixes. Fixed a crash caused by enemy AI. Fixed script errors caused by the Brewer of Hues Fable. Fixed a script error that could occur when interacting with Verminia in Nightfold. Fixed a script error caused by a mirror puzzle. Fixed script errors caused by Pacts. Fixed a script error caused by the HUD.
  19. I think a plague doctor outfit would be very cool! I love Eileen the crows outfit in bloodborne and am glad they added more bird stuff in the elden ring dlc. As far as pacts go, maybe one that gives an ability around consumables, so self healing potions heal in an AOE or grenade like consumables have a lingering effect. I can see this working perfectly with the alchemy/healer theme
  20. I appreciate you engaging with this topic but let's keep our criticism constructive. I have not played the game, but am very passionate about it. I understand the workings of the game in its current prealpha state, these are subject to many shifts and changes. To start over, I am suggesting a way that one could progress through out the game with instead of focusing on combat, they focus on creation, crafting, and player economy. I agree that constantly swapping pacts sounds tedious. In warframe you can with time, max out every weapon, frame, and faction standing. With elden ring it's harder to have both a dex build, strength build, and use magic effectively, how you choose to progress and spend your points sort of determines your build. I like the limitations and I feel it bring diversity to characters. Since we use spirits for crafting, what if there was a way to level up, let's say the weapon smith, in a way that makes you better at crafting then someone who chose a different route. Like an item that you give to a spirit that you only get a few of, and who you give it to enhances them. This way one character can just be better at using weapons and another better at magic, while your character would be great at crafting potions or consumables. "I mostly avoid combat and spend my time hunting for rare ingredients, I spent all of my rare golden totems on my potion crafting spirit, so I can't really do x, y, and z but my character is able to craft extremely good potions which really help me in the tough spots of the game, I also spend a lot of time selling these potions because most people have spent their rare golden totems on more combat related things and thus cannot make potions of my caliber" I hope I am being clear with this concept, and while it might not fit into the current state of the game, I think we need these forums to be a safe place to dream big of what the future could hold.
  21. Combat will apply to the entire rest of the game, including how it affects any enemies added in the future. Working on making the foundations better now is exactly the point of testing things in this early stage.
  22. I'd disagree as I'd say for a class to be a class, I'd say that it has to be more than just "I have ability 1, ability 2, ability 3," and in soul frame's case, you're allowed to swap your ability 4 to whatever you want, with the ability to equip whatever melee weapon with it you want. Which we have other menus for (like the currently unimplemented soul menu) or, they could be referring to the fact you can put points into any of the three mana types that exist in the game, being a green mana bar, red mana bar, and blue mana bar, which some weapons scale with red mana bar, some scale with blue, some with green. this sounds extra tedious, especially so since we aren't the ones crafting, no, it's our team of spirits we recruit that handle that side of things, with each of them having a relation progress bar that increases as you do things with them, (currently the only one with a functioning one is the blacksmith, who gains the ability to reforge your weapons) Brainstorm doesn't mean "Free from criticism" Thank you : )
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